La guardia costiere inglese raccomanda di non navigare su un frigorifero

aprile 14, 2016 | By Mistro

frigoriferoLast night, three men with a plank of wood for a paddle set sail in a fridge freezer at Connor’s Quay, Flintshire.

The UK Coastguard sent the Flint Coastguard Rescue Team to the area but the men had made it safely to shore and abandoned their ‘vessel’. They were extremely lucky they didn’t sink or get stuck in the mud when the fridge ran aground.

We want to say thank you to the members of the public who made multiple calls to the Coastguard reporting this incident – you did exactly the right thing calling us.

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Comments: 2

  1. enrico ha detto:

    E’ inutile… gli Inglesi sono sempre avanti a chiunque!!!!

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